Sunday, December 26, 2010

Fa la la la la la la la f*ck

I read that title somewhere the other day and couldn't get that ditty out of my head, and when I heard the song on our local "all Christmas, all the time" radio station I couldn't help but sing along. What can I say, I'm nothing if not juvenile.

So, for four days now I've worked out on the elliptical for an hour each day. Go me. Although it wasn't because I was hearkening back to my resolution to get rid of that extra weight, it was really because I've been incredibly keyed up recently and if I didn't work out some of the stress I was going to punch something. And the hubs is getting increasingly bitchy about being bruised.

So, I took my frustrations out on the blessed machine. It has been extremely helpful - well, that in combination with vitamin D supplements (apparently it's not uncommon to be afflicted with Seasonal Affective Disorder if you're already depressed). I don't know if I actually have SAD, but it would make sense. And I play a doctor on TV, so I know what I'm talking about.

Christmas was great, the kids got a bunch of stuff that we're having a ton of fun playing with. I had more fun at the husband's family gathering - they aren't currently going through the kind of earth-shattering, life-changing, heartbreaking shit that my family's going through right now. After Christmas day, a day of my dad not speaking much and spending more time napping than interacting, my mom acting like a total doormat (as usual) and my brother being the usual asshole he is every day, I was tired of it all. I came home and cried to the hubs, mainly because it has fallen to me to be the normal, strong one in the family, the one who is supposed to keep it all together, and I've got my own shit to deal with. And whoever it was that thought making ME the normal one was a good idea - they were obviously out of their fucking minds.

Anyway, it was a good Christmas. The kids were great, my sister-in-law complimented our parenting skill, and I've worked out an hour each day for the past four days. Plus I've still got another week of break. I'm determined not to let the funk I've slid into engulf me - I'm going to lunch with some of my best friends tomorrow, and then I'm off for some serious retail therapy. And there will be trips to the dog park and possibly an overnight with just the hubs this week (I hope I hope I hope!). Merry Christmas to all.

1 comment:

  1. Guess who has a kinect with Dance Central? I totally thought of you for the 2 hours Justin and I were dancing around the house. Love ya!
